Munich is BMW and BMW is Munich. I do not want to conceal the fact that I love the cars that are manufactured in meticulous perfection and with minimalistic and impressive design. Just as much as I appreciate the architecture that BMW shows in its capital. The most famous building is the BMW four-cylinder, which is also the BMW Headquarter.
In this little series I would like to show you my favorite elements of the building.
BMW Headquarter
My first picture shows the BMW tower on the front. Two of the four cylinders in perfect symmetry.
To get this result, it was a long way – and I do not mean the journey. I had to wait nearly three hours for the Perfect Clouds. Every time a big cloud came near the building, the cloud disappeared just before I could take a photo. Resolved. Away.
The clouds have never abandoned me, but today, on this 28 ° hot day, when only rare clouds could be seen and promised me the perfect weather: nothing.
But then finally came a small army of clouds and I immediately made several pictures. And after about two minutes it was already over again. Not only the nice security officer but also the clouds forced us to go to the other side of the building, you will soon see more pictures.
The thoughts behind the picture are very obvious. The classic image of a tall building. The higher the building, the less the eye can estimate the height. Due to the amplified effect of the wide-angle lens with an 18mm focal length, you might think that the building is almost like an obelisk in the sky.
I kept the picture colored to emphasize the reflections. This picture is not so much about the materiality of the BMW four-cylinder, it is about the perspective and its perception. How often do you look up as a tourist, with your head in the neck, until the head pillow of the spinal column almost breaks off. You can look at this picture without hurting your neck. Nevertheless I always have a little oppressive feeling when I look at the picture. Do you feel the same?
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[icon type=”rectangle” size=”medium” name=”wrench”] Sony A7R, ZEISS Batis 2.8/18Haida neutral density filter (10-Stops)
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[icon type=”rectangle” size=”medium” name=”e-code”] Lightroom CC 2015Photoshop CC 2015
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[icon type=”rectangle” size=”medium” name=”e-adjust”] f/8.0, 17s, ISO 50, 18mm[/col] [/row]
Hi Timon,
ich bin angetan von der Art Deiner Fotografie.
Schwarz-weiß kommen die Bilder noch ausdruckstarker rüber …..
Bin begeistert… mach weiter so.!
Vielen Dank 🙂